Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the development and use of the CogDrisk Assessment Tool

What is the CogDrisk Assessment Tool?

The CogDrisk Assessment Tool is designed to determine the likelihood that you will develop dementia later in life by collecting information about your current health and lifestyle.

Once you have completed the assessment you will receive a profile of your risk and protective factors. Risk factors need to be controlled and monitored while protective factors need to be incorporated and continued in your daily routine to reduce the risk of developing dementia. Feedback and recommendations for how to reduce your risk for developing dementia later in life will be provided. If you are 40 years and above, you will also get a risk score based on the latest evidence.

How was the CogDrisk Assessment Tool developed and tested?

The tool has been developed by collating the latest information on different risk and protective factors from systematic reviews and meta-analyses. To learn more about the risk tool and details of it’s development, please click here. This tool has also been validated in several high-quality international studies to test the accuracy of the prediction.

Recommendations used in the CogDrisk Assessment Tool are based on current research National and International Guidelines.

How is the CogDrisk intended to be used?

The dementia risk assessment score is intended to be a guideline to indicate greater or lesser risk for developing dementia based on the information collected and used during the assessment. This tool is open to the public (above 18 years) and can be used in research and clinical settings. This tool is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool or as a medical assessment. If you have any concerns, you should consult your medical practitioner to receive specific medical advice and assessment.

How do I find out my dementia risk score?

The dementia risk score is available to those aged 40 years and above.

Once you have completed the CogDrisk Assessment Tool, including answering questions relating to your current health and lifestyle, your dementia risk score will be calculated and you will receive feedback and recommendations for things that you can do to lower your risk of developing dementia in the future

Questions about my personal information

Will my personal information be collected and used?

If you consent to your data being used for research purposes, you will be asked to complete a “Participant Information and Consent Form” before completing the assessment. This form will provide information about how your data will be used and what to do if you change your mind and would like to withdraw your consent. If you do not consent to your data being used for research purposes you can login as a guest and no personal information or entries will be saved or collected.

What do I do if I no longer want my data to be used for research purposes?

If you gave consent for your data to be used for research purposes when you initially completed the CogDrisk Assessment Tool but no longer want your data used, you can find out more information about what it means to withdraw your consent and to complete a Withdrawal of Consent form.

Other questions

What can I do if I have feedback or need help with the tool?

If you would like to leave feedback on your experience or need help using the CogDrisk Assessment Tool, you can click here to leave a message or send an email to the research team.

Discover your personal risk profile